It’s back to school time!
The back to school season brings all kinds of UNDUE stresses to students of all ages. It can also bring UNDUE stress to the parents and caregivers. Below, I’m going to give you a few tips on how homeopathic helps back to school stress!
Just as each person is different, so stress can manifest in many different ways. Symptoms can include reduced appetite, quietness or apprehensiveness, nervousness, buzzing feeling, insomnia, runny nose, fever blisters, rashes, stomachache or jitteriness in the stomach, tantrums or emotional outburts, anxiety attacks, poor or impaired performance, bed wetting, anger, frustration, crying and more.
What solutions will your doctor or psychiatrist have for you? DRUGS, DRUGS and more DRUGS. Common drugs used for children or adults in stressful situations or to help them focus in school are ALL full of well-known side effects such as depression, violence, suicide, homicide, weight gain, anxiety, insomnia (can’t sleep), psychosis and so much more… One might be left scratching their head, “is there a better way??”
And the answer is a resounding “YES”! Homeopathy is a safe and gentle form of medicine. Homeopathy eases symptoms by kicking-in the body’s self repair mechanisms. I like the fact that homeopathic remedies have no side effects, save for an occasional temporary aggravation or temporary worsening of symptoms…which is then followed by a healing response! We use it almost exclusively for our own five children without question and have seen so many successes. In fact, in 13 years of parenting (plus Manfred’s additional 22 years experience with his first two children), we’ve never once resorted to antibiotics (plenty of infections, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc), antifungals, antidepressants, stimulants, pain killers (and we’ve had 7 broken bones), vaccines (we use homeoprophylaxis) or any other conventional medical treatments – save for occasional x-rays for broken bones and dentistry.
The side effects listed above, as well as most other drug side effects can be addressed homeopathically through a two-fold approach:
1) “Clearing” or “antidoting” both the short term and long term effects of the offending drug(s) by using The Mueller Method of Homeopathy
2) Long-term chronic homeopathic treatment to help restore the imbalances and subtle symptoms that can inhibit a person’s natural abilities to be his or her best – in all areas!
As an added benefit, homeopathy can even be used to safely treat conditions such as ADHD (ADD, Attention deficit) difficulty concentrating, restlessness, asthma, allergies, food sensitivities, stomach aches, headaches, colds, flus, bronchitis, urinary tract infections (UTI), ear aches, tonsillitis, sore throats & strep, growing pains, chicken pox, and so much more – all without drugs. Plus, you can homeopathy it to treat a whole slew of random symptoms and sensations that usually leave doctors either scratching their heads or labeling you/your child a hypochondriac (“oh just take an antidepressant because you making this up!”)! For a more detailed list of conditions and symptoms homeopathy can treat, visit this page.
If you are looking for a natural, safe and very effective way to improve the health of yourself and your family, homeopathy can be just the ticket you are looking for. Plus it’s fast-acting, side-effect-free and non-addictive, unlike conventional drugs. Before you call a doctor or specialist and add a label to your child’s medical records… before you medicate them, or send your little darlings into counseling, why not try homeopathy first? You can always put them back on drugs.
Here is a list of some of the more common homeopathic remedies used to help students (and others, when the symptoms fit) feel more at ease and get back into the saddle. You can find videos and PDF downloads on how to mix, take and repotentize homeopathic remedies. You’ll also find our acute materia medica there. Many of these remedies are already in your homeopathic remedy kits! You can purchase one from us if you don’t already have one…
If you don’t see improvements in the offending symptoms with self treatment, please seek the counsel of an experienced homeopathic practitioner. We work over the phone if you can’t find anyone in your area.
Aconite – there is a true fear of going to school, which can result in a panic attack with chills, shaking, wide-eyed stares, cold sweats. These children can be worse from cold weather and from crowds of people.
Argentum nitricum – Helpful for anxiety and nervousness. The child will have a strong desire to perform well with equally strong anxiety regarding their performance. Fear of failure, fear of heights, claustrophobia and impulsive behavior will sometimes be shown. There may be a diarrhea and gas along with their anxiety. You may also notice a desire for sweets.
Arsenicum album – Anxiety with restlessness or nervous exhaustion. They may wake around midnight with feelings of anxiety. Generally better with warm wraps or warm baths. Craves warm drinks.
Calcarea carbonica – Easy to become overwhelmed, cautious and afraid to take risks. Strong need for protection and avoids new experiences, but full of potential! May have been slower at reaching their milestones as a baby/toddler, had slow dentition or slow hair growth.
Calcarea phosphorica – A peevish and forgetful child. Worse from mental exertion – such as headaches, weeping, exhaustion. Difficulty performing intellectual operations. Can even become exhausted just from talking! Restless – wants to go somewhere, but when somewhere, wants to go back home! Homesickness. May have a history of slow dentition.
Gelsenium – “Anticipatory anxiety” –before the first day of school, before an exam, or before public speaking, or any performance. Feels overwhelmed by an impending task, feels cowardly and/or weak. Generally has a lack of thirst.
Kali phosphoricum – Mental exhaustion after long periods of stress or overexertion such as exam times or project times. When you are so tired from working and not getting enough sleep that your brain shuts down! Sleepy, but cannot sleep. Great nervous dread. This is a powerful cell salt that works wonders at the lower decimal potencies.
Lycopodium – Feels like a failure. Concerned with their outward appearance. Low self esteem. Cowardly. The anxiety and fear of looking foolish may build even after several times of being in a situation, like after several days or even weeks of going to school without incidence. They may lash out and put others down (criticize them) to make themselves feel better, yet they’re oversensitive to criticism themselves. Dyslexia, gets left and right confused, mistakes in reading and writing (these symptoms require chronic treatment to completely resolve).
Nux Vomica – Anxiety and even irritability from a busy mind and mental stress. The typical type “A” personality. They often wake from anxiety, mild restlessness or an active mind between 3 and 4 a.m. You will notice this person pushing themselves very hard to perform. Tendency toward G.E.R.D., acid reflux, indigestion, constipation. May eat too much or too fast. Craves stimulants like coffee, caffeine, etc.
Pulsatilla – Weepy and tearful, full of woes; when feelings of being overwhelmed or being unable to handle stress have someone crying, feeling depressed, tired or even suicidal. A person loves hugs and affection, who gives up easy. Homesickness. Separation anxiety – the child who clings to your leg when you try to drop them off to school; the one who stays by the teachers and has a hard time mingling with others. When you want to hug them and coddle, them because YOU feel sorry for them.
Staphysagria – Impetuous, violent outbursts of passion, hypochondriacal, weeping, sad. Depressed after being angry or being insulted. On the other hand, can stuff down their feelings (suppress them) and be quite unaware at how mad they really are. Very sensitive to what others say about them. Great for those picked on, bullied at school, or who’ve been insulted. Sensitive to rudeness.
Here are some other articles by our colleagues of the benefits homeopathic treatment can have for school age children
Homeopathy for school children
by Bob Leckridge
Children, Attention and Homeopathy
Randall Neustaedter OMD, LAc, CCH
The post Homeopathy for Back to School Issues | Homeopathy for Children appeared first on Homeopathic Associates.